Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Reset security question

Kali ini saya ingin share pengalaman pribadi, yaitu saat mereset security question id mig33 saya. Semua aplikasi sudah saya coba, tapi apa yang terjadi? Semua hasilnya nihil. Jadi saya memutuskan untuk mengirimkan email untuk reset security questionnya ke contact mig33. Dan alhamdulillah berhasil, nick saya skarang udah Bisa ganti password.
Berikut langkah2nya :

1. Kamu kirim email ke contact@mig33.com pake nick yang kamu mau reset security questionya. Kira2 isinya kayak gini subjectnya di isi "reset security question" isinya seperti ini "dear mig33. Please I want to get back to nick my security question, because I want to change the password. Thank u" yahh kalo kamu2 pengen isi dgn kata2 lain gak maslah yg penting tetep sama maksudnya.

2. Setelah itu kamu akan mendapatkan email dari mig33, yg isinya ticket, sebagai modal kamu untuk memberitahukan ke robogroup. Nahh kamu gabung ke group robogroup tersebut, trus di forum kamu tulis "please check my ticket #512365 (contoh)"
3. Tunggulah beberapa hari, kamu akan mendapatkan email dari mig33 lagi. Kamu ikutin aja trus langkah2 yg ada di email yg mereka kirim, nnti security question kamu akan di reset. 

Ok slamat mencoba yaa, (aku udah coba 100% berhasil, tapi nunggu kira2 3 minggu) kalo ada cara yang lebih mudah buat mendapatkan security question silahkan kamu koment yaa, biar semua user bisa tau. Apalah arti ilmu kalo nggak di bagi-bagi Heeeehehehe :D 

This time I wanted to share a personal experience, when the security question to reset my mig33 id. All applications I have tried, but what happened? All to no avail. So I decided to send an email to reset security question to contact mig33. In the aforementioned work, my nick now already can change the password.

Here are the steps:

 1. You send an email to contact@mig33.com with a nick you want to reset security questionya. Approximately subjectnya it like this in the contents of the "reset security question" looks like this "dear mig33. Please I want to get back to nick my security question, Because I want to change the password. Thank u" if you want to fill with words -in other words not important who the problem remains the same point.

2 . After that you will get an email from mig33, who contents ticket, as your capital in order to tell robogroup. you join the group robogroup it, continue on the forum you write "please check my ticket # 512 365 (example)"

3. Wait a few days, you'll get an email from mig33 again. Trus wrote you just follow the steps in the email reply they sent, later security question you will be reset.

Ok good luck, (I've tried 100% successful, but waited about 2 3 weeks) if there is an easier way to make get the security question you comment please, let all users can know. What is the meaning of science if not in the Heeeehehehe

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